will rogers

美 [wɪl ˈrɑːdʒərz]英 [wɪl ˈrɒdʒəz]
  • 网络罗杰斯;威尔·罗杰斯;威尔·洛杰斯
will rogerswill rogers
  1. Someone bet comedian Will Rogers that he could not get the stern-faced Coolidge ( 30th US President ) to laugh .


  2. Young man , never forget will rogers .


  3. Will Rogers , often referred to as the nation 's Poet Lariat about only rope tricks .


  4. Even though Below Zero changes the texture in liquid form . Will Rogers claims that it takes around 30 minutes for beer to go from liquid to ice cream form , but higher alcohol content drinks take longer .


  5. You can 't say civilisation don 't advance , however , for in every war they kill you a new way . & Will Rogers .


  6. You can 't say civilization don 't advance-for in every war , they kill you in a new way . " - will rogers "


  7. Will Rogers once fondly said in the depression that he was more concerned about the return of his money than the return on his money .


  8. You loved polo . But then Will Rogers was killed in that airplane accident . And you never played polo again - never again .


  9. Will Rogers is venerated as a national hero for his pungent , earthy comment on the American scene-for his gift of making Americans see what is ridiculous in themselves .


  10. Wiley Post who was the first pilot to fly solo around the world and his good friend Will Rogers a famous comedian , humorist and social commentator were set out to fly around the world together .


  11. Pace Will Rogers , I am not a member of any organized political party . In some places there are no leading Party members ' groups in the government organizations , while in others they exist but are not functioning properly .


  12. This photo ( that 's Will Rogers in the hat and tie , standing on the wing ) was taken on August 15 , 1935 shortly before taking off from a lagoon near Point Barrow Alaska .
